Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Great Wall of Podcasting

So since our first project on podcasting, I decided to check of Bruce Nussbaum's articles on podcasting. One of the them is about how China doesn't have podcasting and then the ariticle immediately following is about how China does have podcasting???? So apparently the Chinese, regardless of how incredibly advanced they are in other fields of technology they still don't allow podcasting. Therefore when Nussbaum was visiting major sites in China that didn't offer podcasting, such as, he assumed they all didn't. Then other bloggers brought it to his attention that smaller sites, such as, do in fact offer podcating. It just goes to show that although you may think of podcasting as almost a simpler, more crass, form of technology, there are sites in China risking shut down to do it, and others who are just shying away from it because of those same consequences.

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