Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fix the Now

The core77 article I read today was talking about a new software that allows drivers to make their current driving more eco-efficient. At the Paris Auto Show the software, titled eco:Drive, was unveiled by car manufacturer Fiat. It is described as "an innovative, easy-to-use social software application that helps drivers improve how efficiently they drive." By analyzing consumers driving styles it helps them to reevaluate and change their driving to improve the CO2 emmissions (as well as to save money). Although the introduction of fuel efficient/eco-friendly/energy saving/etc. cars was great for continued progression, this is something that can be done today! We all know that not everyone can afford to just switch over to hybrid car or change to a vegetable oil engine, but this something everyone can do to make at least some difference. Its definitely a challenge to get people to change their lives in any situation, and going green is not always an easy change to make. With gradual steps and small changes that have big impact, like eco:Drive promotes, bettering the environment becomes more accessable, obtainable, and feasible to everyone.

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