Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hey I know him!

So just s I'm about to go print out my blog, I notice an advertisement in the corner, and I recognize the picture of one of the guys....ironically by his tattoos. And it is in fact, none other than Joshua Davis, who I just did my paper on. I just though it was cool....

Joshua Davis Paper

linked it: ANM Joshua Davis paper

INHO Smart Objects powerpoint

Smart Objects
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

IKEA much?

So this is something I definitely think is interesting and a fresh take, however I also would have expected to come out of an IKEA store. I think a lot of people are trying to pioneer many many many different ways to redesign furniture. After how many ways can you really make a chair until it becomes boring?? I say that's near impossible, so take a look at the SwiTcH and see if you find it boring....

All my interests

Eventhough I have been reviewing design blogs pretty consistently for the past year and a half, as well as been immersed in looking at new ideas, I'm still a little astounded everytime I see something that directly interests me not because it has to do with design, but from another aspect of my life. For example, although it was because of another art class, I have recently found an interest in knowing how to use power drills; and low and behold, on core77's site, here is an article about a new power drill! Its things like this that always remind me how much design really does effect every part of our lives.

Re-make it AGAIN!

It appears that my new favorite thing to blog about is an kind of recycled item. I.e. anything that saves the environment, is reused from something old, etc etc. Soooo since obviously core77 knew this, here's an entire article on re-manufactured art pieces. example 1:

Student Design

Design Sponge did coverage of the 2008 student design finalists for their scholarship program. One that stood out to me in particular was the ambient lighting (see below) for Luminoz done by Sara levy. So here's lighting that supposed to effect your mood, but as we go into smart objects, what about lighting thats effected by your mood???