Sunday, November 30, 2008

Design open 2008

This is completely impractical but I suppose thats what I've learned is where all god design starts:

Here's the rest of the design open.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lyle Owerko

presenter in class the other day, very much enjoyed his portrait photography

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Its all part of the game

I just booked my spring break trip to Puerto Rico with, well 14, yes 14, of my "closest" friends. Now it was definitely not supposed to make it to 14, but the coupling of no hotel fee and the cheap JetBlue prices, here we are at 14. Since we booked so early, its was only $300 ROUND TRIP, fees included. I'm sorry, but you can't been a spring break thats going to cost around $450 TOTAL.
So what does this have to do with design? Well in this post by Nussbaum, he discuss how JetBlue has taken advantage of the outsourcing and put it to "consumer advantageous" use. By aquiring a new jet designed to make short trips with 100 passengers they could offer fares for only $25 from New York to Boston. Delta and American Airline were forced to follow suit soon after ad who does that equal.....lower prices for all of us and cheap spring breaks.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Educate Me

This time I decided to review a Nussbaum post on How to Educate a Designer. As a student in design and someone who is graduating in the next year, it is opbviously a concern of mine to see what the thoughts are on educating desginers. As Nussbaum mentions, educating designers is a relatively new process and they're still working it out. It was interesting to read how their looking into educating desginers on how to think different and how different countries, such as Japan, educate their designers even differently than that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

AS You Like iT

Just a couple of the rough pictures I'm using for my Shakespeare project:

Monday, November 10, 2008

The gift card made personal

With the Holiday season just about upon us we're bound to see some very interesting new ideas in the gift department. But giftcards?? I mean granted they're the fall back for any gift giver, but leave it up to Target to be innovative in the gift card area. As core77 reports, Target has now made a gift card digital camera. Starting at $50, you can accompany your money with 50mb worth of creative pictures. At 1.2mp you're not going to get a ton of quality, but it makes a gift card a whole lot more personal. Or maybe you're sill going for the orginal impersonal message of a gift card and you can just opt out of the camera card all together.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shakespeare Project

I have chosen "As You Like It" as my play to represent for the Shakespeare project. It is one of my favorite of Shakespeare's comedies. I will be trying to represent the love between Rosalind and Orlando and the changes and struggles it goes through in the play.