Sunday, September 28, 2008

Debate '08

For this post I reviewed Seth Godin's post about debates. Seeing that the final debate will be coming to Hofstra very soon this article interested me. It has nothing to do really with graphic design, but more so on the whole issue of informing people. Seth premise for this post was that he believes there should be many more debates, and not just from presidential candidates but for candidates for other major positions. I agree with Seth in that debates are a great way to compare the ideas and policies of two, or more, people. As well as too see how they interact and can speak in a, moderately, improvisational setting. It gives people a better view of the candidates personalities and how they appear side by side. However, I have to disagree with Seth proposal on how the debates should be run. He says that there should be no moderator and that they should be just allowed to each speak for 15minutes and then ask each other questions. I think those rules take away from the actual purpose of a debate. Without organization you're not going to be able to keep anyone on track, have any of the real issues address, or get an equal exchange. I think it would be good to go more towards less preparation and structure but not that far.

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