Sunday, September 28, 2008

Debate '08

For this post I reviewed Seth Godin's post about debates. Seeing that the final debate will be coming to Hofstra very soon this article interested me. It has nothing to do really with graphic design, but more so on the whole issue of informing people. Seth premise for this post was that he believes there should be many more debates, and not just from presidential candidates but for candidates for other major positions. I agree with Seth in that debates are a great way to compare the ideas and policies of two, or more, people. As well as too see how they interact and can speak in a, moderately, improvisational setting. It gives people a better view of the candidates personalities and how they appear side by side. However, I have to disagree with Seth proposal on how the debates should be run. He says that there should be no moderator and that they should be just allowed to each speak for 15minutes and then ask each other questions. I think those rules take away from the actual purpose of a debate. Without organization you're not going to be able to keep anyone on track, have any of the real issues address, or get an equal exchange. I think it would be good to go more towards less preparation and structure but not that far.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I finally found a copy of my music file. I tried finding different things because this one was so obvious, but it ended up just being too perfect.

In addition I found the original lyrics and they even feature a girl baseball fan!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do it Again

Since we're taking components from other cultures and combining, and essentially reusing, them to make something new, I thought William Bostwick's article, [Re]make it New, was somewhat relevant. Bostwick discusses how designers have always recycled ideas, cultures, styles, eras to make them fresh for a new time; and especially with today's motto of "going green," recycling everything has become more appealing and more profitable for all involved.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Apple's iPod was invented in 1979 This was one of the first articles featured on core77's site for the day and it immediately caught my attention. Since the iPod was something that directly affected my teen years until now I thought it was interesting that the original concept was made almost 10 years before I was even born. It also lends to the lesson that you can never be sure of when your ideas will come to fruition, so as a new designed you should always be invented and protecting your ideas

These are bottlecaps??

When I first arrived at the core77 site I immediately noticed the bright, colorful objects pictured at the left. I went on to read this article, posted by squee.gee, titled Design objects from recycled bottle caps to learn that this bag and stool were created by Athanassios Babalis for teh Green Design Festival 2008. The stool is made from 2150 recycled bottlecaps, and the bag is made from 370 bottlecaps.
Although I'm not sure this is the most practical method for recycling bottle caps, it certainly does make 2 very interesting pieces. Both the stool and bag are immediately eye-catching because of their color but also out of curiosity for what they are made from. In this sense these pieces serve as a pieces of art work, functional objects, and a means of education on recycling.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

While searching through Bruce Nussbaum's Design blog I found another article that delves more into new[er] researching techniques. In this post, Ethnography is the new Core Competence, Nussbaum comments on how many companies who are already so focused on customer relationships should be using ethnographic research, but instead companies like Intel, who don't have inherent customer interaction are using it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reaching Your Target

Since we have been asked to choose a specific audience to target for this course, Seth Godin's recent post, Reaching the Right People, caught my attention. In this post he discussing an interesting new way of reaching one specific group of people by interacting with them through their already established interests. Now the only question left is whether you're assumption encroaches to much into their personal life or just working to serve them better??

Baseball Ladies - more for football fans - not the most technologically advanced site, but if your a girl who wants to play baseball, this is the place to go -  the place to go for all your baseball gear
"Women who Love to Watch Baseball" - an article from the Philadelphia Inquirer on female baseball fans
Stitch n' Pitch - an event sweeping many baseball games geared just towards women!
Phillies Ballgirls - an mlb blog specifically dedicated to female Phillies fans, but generally geared toward all female fans
Ladiesdotdotdot - a wordpress blog with post from about 10 different women baseball fans on all things baseball and female
BABES LOVE BASEBALL - by far my favorite site for most well put together and geared wholly towards women baseballfans
New York Women's Baseball Association - geared more towards all types of women who want to play baseball